One of the most attractive ways to fix a damaged, cracked, or endodontically treated tooth is to place a crown over it. This smile restoration technique is the most common due to its simplicity and budgetary cost compared to the rest. It is vital to select the proper material and method of fixation to not worry about the appearance and preservation of the tooth cap's integrity.
Dental Crowns in 78613 area.Dr.Regina at Cedar Park Dental Wellness will help you select strong dental crowns according to your individual needs. To ensure the crown's maximum similarity to the natural teeth, we follow the most modern dental treatment protocols. All our permanent crowns are custom-made out of high-tech materials to provide long-term performance and ensure the most comfortable use even with the crown's intensive usage.
What is a dental crown?The visible part of a natural tooth is a crown. When caries, trauma, or demineralization destroy the tooth, artificial dental crowns can usually fix the problem. They can be temporary - for the period of treatment, or permanent - for every day. In some cases, crowns correct the shape of implants if they are damaged.
Common indications for dental crowns:- destroyed or extensively damaged tooth;
- badly damaged enamel;
- fracture or cracked tooth;
- thin enamel;
- root canal treatment;
- dental bridge;
- need for cosmetic improvement.
Contraindications.Like any medical procedure, the placement of crowns has contraindications:
- neglected periodontitis;
- bruxism - teeth grinding;
- fragile enamel;
- small and misaligned teeth;
- pathological bite, when the incisors overlap one another.
Sometimes, the patient's age may be a contraindication to installing a crown made of a particular material. Then he is offered another way to restore the integrity of the dentition.
Dental crown materials.There are various dental crown material types: some are more durable, others are only suitable as a temporary measure. Their cost, the complexity of manufacturing and installation also depends on this.
- PFM (porcelain fused to metal) crowns.
It is a high strength crown covered with ceramic on the outside and metal on the inside. It contraindicated for patients under the age of 18 and not suitable for gum recession.
The framework of the crown is made of chromium and cobalt alloy and covered with a photopolymer composite. While these crowns are solid and have thin and inconspicuous edges, people with metal-composite crowns need to stick to a diet not to change color. It is not recommended to consume drinks with dyes and foods with a high pigment content.
The oldest material for making crowns is gold. If you like the gold look and not discouraged by the price, you would greatly benefit from its hypoallergenic features. The main disadvantage is that the metal is too soft and wears off fast.
The modern material for crowns is zirconium dioxide. It is durable, aesthetic, non-allergenic, and lasts a long time. But it has a high cost, so it is not suitable for everyone's budget.
Modern synthetic materials can completely replace the metal in the crown. They are no less durable, but they look as close as possible to natural teeth.
It is best to choose a crown made of ceramic if looking for a natural matching look. It works excellent for replacing front teeth. But for chewing teeth, ceramic crowns are too fragile and cannot withstand such a load.
Porcelain crowns are not so popular but are gradually becoming more and more in demand. Porcelain products serve for a long time, do not deteriorate due to temperature changes, and do not stain. They fit great and exceptionally comfortable due to anatomical shape, repeating the tooth's pattern precisely. They look very aesthetic and aslo hypoallergenic.
Of the minuses, it is worth noting their loose fit to the tooth, which may lead to the occurrence of cervical caries. Crowns are somewhat fragile and can destroy adjacent healthy teeth. The product is not suitable for patients with thin enamel. Besides, the cost of such crowns is relatively high, which is not affordable for everyone.
- A combination of materials crowns.
By combining several materials, it is possible to create crowns that combine their best properties. The product is suitable for use on the anterior and posterior teeth: they look aesthetically pleasing and withstand the chewing load. But such crowns are short-lived because they quickly wear off. But their installation does not hurt the budget.
Plastic crowns can only be used as a temporary measure. The cost of such crowns is low. But it is impossible to use them as permanent ones since they cannot withstand the prolonged chewing load.
Best Dentist in Cedar Park Texas Promise:At Cedar Park Dental Wellness, Dr. Regina selects all the crown material based on each patient's needs and unique teeth characteristics. An exact estimate of the treatment is drawn up for each patient to show what he is paying for clearly. Our Cedar Park Premier Dentistry service consists of a transparent and professional work system, the latest equipment, and materials that provide an ideal prosthetics result. A polite attitude and the ability to quickly get to an appointment guarantee pleasant emotions from visiting your local dentist.
Dental Crown Consultation.You can come for a consultation with a dentist at our Cedar Park family dental office without the tedious wait for an appointment. Call and sign up for the most convenient time! Dr. Regina will gladly welcome you, conduct an examination, and give you valuable advice on selecting, placing, and caring for crowns.