Bone grafting
& Ridge augmentation
What is dental bone grafting?

Dental bone grafting is a surgical procedure to restore bone tissue in the jaw. This technique is commonly used when there isn’t enough natural bone to support dental implants or other treatments. Bone grafting promotes bone regeneration and provides a stable foundation for dental implants. This increases the success rates of various restorative or cosmetic dental treatments. Ridge augmentation is a type of bone grafting focusing on the jaw.

When Do You Need Bone Grafting and Ridge Augmentation?
Several scenarios may necessitate bone grafting and ridge augmentation in dentistry:
  1. Dental Implant Placement: Insufficient bone volume in the jaw can compromise the success of dental implant placement. Bone grafting, including ridge augmentation, helps augment the bone to provide adequate support for the implant, ensuring its stability and longevity.
  2. Tooth Extractions: After a tooth extraction, the surrounding bone may begin to resorb or deteriorate over time. Bone grafting, particularly ridge augmentation, preserves the bone structure and minimizes bone loss, facilitating future dental procedures such as implant placement or denture fitting.
  3. Periodontal Disease: Advanced periodontal (gum) disease can lead to bone loss around the teeth, compromising their stability and causing tooth mobility. Bone grafting, including ridge augmentation, may be necessary to regenerate lost bone tissue and support the teeth, preventing further tooth loss and preserving the integrity of the jawbone.
  4. Traumatic Injuries: Trauma to the face or jaw can result in significant bone damage or loss. Bone grafting techniques, including ridge augmentation, can reconstruct the damaged areas, restoring facial aesthetics, function, and oral health.
  5. Congenital Defects or Developmental Anomalies: Some individuals may be born with congenital defects or developmental abnormalities affecting the jawbone structure. Bone grafting procedures, including ridge augmentation, can correct these anomalies, improving facial symmetry and function.
Whether for dental implant placement, treating periodontal disease, or repairing traumatic injuries, these procedures offer effective solutions to preserve and regenerate bone in the jaw.
Sinus Lift Procedure in Dentistry:
Restoring Bone for Dental Implants

The sinus lift procedure, also known as sinus augmentation or sinus floor elevation, is a sophisticated surgical technique utilized in dentistry to augment the bone in the posterior maxilla (upper jaw). This procedure plays a pivotal role in preparing patients for dental implant placement when there is inadequate bone height due to factors such as bone resorption, tooth loss, or anatomical considerations. Let's explore the sinus lift procedure in detail, including its indications, techniques, and benefits.

A sinus lift involves lifting the sinus membrane in the upper jaw and placing bone graft material beneath it to augment the bone height in the posterior maxilla. This creates a sufficient amount of bone to support dental implants in the area where natural teeth may have been lost or extracted.

The sinus lift procedure is a valuable tool in modern dentistry for patients seeking dental implant-supported restorations in the upper jaw. By augmenting bone height in the posterior maxilla, sinus lift surgery enables patients to achieve optimal oral function, aesthetics, and confidence.

Indications for Sinus Lift
The sinus lift procedure is recommended for individuals who:
  • 1
    Have experienced bone loss
    in the posterior maxilla due to tooth loss, periodontal disease, or other factors.
  • 2
    Desire dental implant placement
    in the upper jaw but lack adequate bone height for implant stability and longevity.
  • 3
    Wish to restore oral function, aesthetics, and confidence
    with implant-supported restorations.
Benefits of Sinus Lift
Enables dental implant
By increasing the amount of bone in the posterior maxilla, sinus lift surgery creates a stable foundation for dental implants, allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of implant-supported restorations.
Improves oral function
and aesthetics
Dental implants anchored in adequate bone provide stability and function similar to natural teeth, enhancing chewing ability, speech, and smile aesthetics.
facial structure
Restoring bone volume in the upper jaw helps maintain facial contours and prevent the collapse of the sinus cavity, preserving facial aesthetics and harmony
Bone grafting, ridge augmentation or sinus lift?
Choosing between bone grafting, ridge augmentation, or sinus lift
procedures typically depends on the specific needs of the patient, the condition of the jaw, and the treatment goals. Here's a brief overview of each procedure and the cases where they should be considered:
Bone Grafting:
When to Choose: Bone grafting is used to restore or increase bone tissue in the jaw.
Cases: Bone loss due to trauma, periodontal disease, bone resorption from missing teeth, or other factors.
Purpose: Creating a stable foundation for further dental procedures such as dental implant placement or prosthetic restoration.
Ridge Augmentation:
When to Choose: Ridge augmentation is used to restore the shape and volume of the bone after tooth extraction.
Cases: Need for increased bone volume after tooth extraction to create a stable foundation for further treatment.
Purpose: Preparing the site for future prosthetic restoration, including dental implant placement or fixed prostheses.
Sinus Lift:
When to Choose: Sinus lift is used when it's necessary to increase bone volume in the upper jaw for dental implant placement.
Cases: Inadequate bone volume in the upper jaw, large sinus cavities that may interfere with implant placement.
Purpose: Creating sufficient bone tissue for dental implant placement in the upper jaw.
What type of material is used?

The procedure involves transplanting bone from another part of the body, a donor source, or using synthetic materials to fill the deficient area. At Cedar Park Dental Wellness, we use LifeNet Health, a top attributed provider of dental transplant solutions, and PRF, a fibrin that accelerates healing and decreases pain. The use of PRF requires specialized training and is not common practice at most dental offices. Not only do we have the training, we also have the experience.

Answers the questions
When is the best time to place the graft?
Dental bone grafts need at least 4 months of healing before starting on other procedures.
How long does it take to heal from the procedure?
Recovery times vary, initial discomfort or swelling typically subsides within a few days to weeks.
How is pain managed after the procedure?
The dentist will discuss either over the counter pain relief or if perscription options would be best on a case by case basis.
Is anesthesia given for the procedure?
Typically for these procedures, local anesthesia is used.
Wait, this is what I have to look forward to?
Whether you require bone grafting, ridge augmentation, or sinus lift procedures, Cedar Park Dental Wellness is here to help you achieve optimal oral health and a confident smile.